NVF traffic safety meeting
The Nordic Road Association (NVF), traffic safety group, holds its annual meeting 2023 in Lund, hosted by the Division of Transport and Roads, Department of Technology and Society, LTH.
When: 12–13 October 2023, lunch-to-lunch (internal pre-meeting 11–12 October)
Where: Division of Transport & Roads (Dept. of Technology and Society), V-building, LTH (John Ericssons väg 1 in Google Maps). Once you enter the main entrance of the V-building, look for the NVF-signage to guide your further.
The event consists of an internal meeting for the NVF traffic safety group members and a public conference open to anyone interested in traffic safety problems.
11 October 2023
Internal meeting for NVF traffic safety group members
12:00–13:00 | Lunch for early arrivers (at own costs) | |
13:00–16:30 | Working meeting in thematic groups | |
16:30–18:00 | Short excursion around LTH | |
18:00–20:00 | Dinner |
12 October 2023
9:00–12:00 | Joint meeting, NVF traffic safety group. Room V:H (2nd floor) | (still internal) |
Public conference starts | ||
12:00–13:00 | Lunch and welcome (all participants) (lecture hall V:B, ground floor) | |
13:00–13:20 | ‘Brief overview of road safety in the Nordic countries’ | Anne Eriksson Danish Road Directorate Gunnar Geir Gunnarsson Icelandic Transport Authority |
13:20–13:40 | ‘Traffic safety of foreign tourists in Iceland’ | Gunnar Geir Gunnarsson Icelandic Transport Authority |
13:40–14:00 | ‘Comparison of development of road safety in Finland and Norway’ | Markus Pöllänen Tampere University (Finland) |
14:00–14:20 | ‘Preventing deer and moose collisions through road management measures - Experiences and solutions from Finland’ | Jaakko Klang Närings-, trafik- och miljöcentralen i Egentliga Finland |
14:20–14:40 | ‘The introduction of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation on e-scooters in Denmark in 2022 – effects on helmet use’ | Bjørn Olsson Danish Road Safety Council |
14:40–15:10 | Coffee break | |
15:10–15:30 | ‘Status på ulykker om natten i København—tværgående forebyggende indsatser overfor fulde cyklister’ | Anette Jerup Jørgensen Municipality of Copenhagen (Denmark) |
15:30–15:50 | ‘Hastighetsutvecklingen i Sverige 2015–2022’ | Åsa Forsman VTI (Sweden) |
15:50–16:10 | ‘Average speeds and speeding in Denmark from 2013 to 2022’ | Bjørn Olsson Danish Road Safety Council |
16:10–16:30 | ‘Sikkerhedseffekt af rumleriller’ | Thomas Skallebæk Buch Danish Road Directorate |
16:30–18:30 | Walking tour around Lund | |
18:30–20:00 | Dinner |
13 October 2023
9:00–9:10 | Welcome Day 2 | |
9:10–9:30 | ‘New NPRA PC/tablet app for traffic safety inspections/revisions, and it’s follow-up function of measures’ | Henrik Wildenschild Statens Vegvesen (Norway) |
9:30–9:50 | ‘Helsinki Traffic Safety Development Programme 2022–2026’ | Roni Utriainen Municipality of Helsinki (Finland) |
9:50–10:10 | ‘Development of learning content (online course) for municipal road safety stakeholders and members of road safety working groups’ | Juha Heltimo Ramboll (Finland) |
10:10–10:30 | ‘Trafiksäkerhetslyftet – a tool for local authorities to improve traffic safety in line with Vision Zero and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ | Hanna Wennberg Swedish Transport Administration |
10:30–11:00 | coffee break | |
11:00–11:20 | ‘Safe transport and journeys at work, a part of the sustainability and health/safety practices in companies, organisations and authorities’ | Hanna Wennberg Swedish Transport Administration |
11:20–11:40 | ‘Samarbejde med ungdomsuddannelser’ | Brian Stybe Grayston Danish Police |
11:40–12:00 | ‘School safety zones – no entry for motor vehicles in the morning’ | Anette Jerup Jørgensen Municipality of Copenhagen (Denmark) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch and closing |
Registration form (opens in new tab)
Please, note that registration and payment are technically two separate procedures (and you need to complete both).
Pre-meeting for NVF members (includes coffee-breaks and pizza evening): 700 SEK
Mini-conference, open for anyone (includes coffee-breaks, to-go lunches, conference dinner + one drink): 1900 SEK
Payment with a credit card
Paying with a credit card (opens a new tab)
You may add to the 'shopping basket' one or both of the meetings before proceeding to the check-out.
It is utterly important that you indicate in the 'Remittance Information/Invoice Number' field the name of the person you pay for.
The payment service is provided by the Lund University economy office.
Payment by bank transfer (within Sweden)
Address the transfer to bankgironummer 5051-4728 (Lunds Universitet).
Add as a reference: 107460 NVF, participant name(s).
In case you need an invoice to make your payment, please, get in contact with Helena Vilhelmsson.
Payment by bank transfer (from outside Sweden)
Please, get in contact with Helena Vilhelmsson to receive invoice and further instructions.
Travelling info
Getting to Lund
Information about travelling to and within Lund.
All activities will take place in the V-building of the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University:
John Ericssons väg 1, Lund (Google Maps)
Conference dinner
The conference dinner will take place at the Café at the Lund City Park (recently rebranded as 'Hos Talevski i Stadsparken').